Monday, August 4, 2014

Indonesia & Perlunya menggalang Solidaritas Kemanusiaan di konflik Palestina-Israel

Subuh tadi ketika melihat siaran CNN sedang memberitakan gencatan senjata antara Israel dan Palestina selama 72 jam. Kemudian membaca Kompas pagi harinya, pada pemberitaan mengenai gencatan senjata tersebut disertai dengan foto yang menampilkan sosok remaja yang sepertinya berlari dengan menenteng sangkar burung dengan latar belakang reruntuhan gedung. Foto tersebut mengusik hati dengan membandingkan kondisi Indonesia berkaitan dengan para pecinta burung yang saat ini sepertinya sedang mengalami booming.

Masyarakat pecinta burung dapat menikmati (baik membeli atau memelihara) burung kicauan tanpa gangguan perang atau desingan peluru di sekitarnya. Tentunya dari foto tersebut dapat dimaknai bahwa sangkar burung adalah harta yang berharga (atau mungkin yang tersisa) selama serangan militer Israel ke wilayah Palestina.

Melihat kondisi demikian maka masyarakat Indonesia melalui pemerintahannya perlu lebih proaktif dalam mengupayakan perdamaian antara Israel dan Palestina. Indonesia yang pernah tampil sebagai tokoh Negara non Blok (GNB) perlu kembali lebih agresif dalam konteks kemanusiaan agar dampak perang tidak mengakibatkan kerusakan social, ekonomi, budaya dan politik secara lebih massif. Upaya kemanusiaan mempunyai momentum pada gencatan senjata ini (truce) agar bantuan kemanusiaan dapat secara massif dialirkan ke wilayah Palestina untuk sedikit mengurangi beban warga Palestina akibat serangan militer Israel.

Presiden SBY dapat memerintahkan PMI atau organisasi kemanusiaan yang berada di Indonesia untuk bisa agresif mengirim bantuan kemanusiaan. Didahului dengan upaya diplomasi baik bilateral maupun multilateral agar bantuan kemanusiaan dari Indonesia bisa masuk ke wilayah atau kantong-kantong pengungsian warga Palestina. Indonesia sebagai Negara dengan penduduk muslim yang mayoritas memiliki pengaruh atau memainkan peran penting dalam perdamaian dunia. SBY tidak cukup hanya mengumumkan bantuan untuk Palestina, tetapi memainkan peran politik non blok secara aktif dengan menggalang dukungan internasional dalam kerangka bantuan kemanusiaan.

Selain tentunya, pemerintah Indonesia mempersiapkan personel kemanusiaan yang siap terjun ke wilayah konflik. Program pelatihan atau training kemanusiaan yang melibatkan PMI dan organisasi kemanusiaan dibawah koordinasi pemerintah Indonesia perlu di lakukan. Pengiriman bantuan kemanusiaan atas nama pemerintah Indonesia atau dukungan internasional yang berhasil digalang oleh pemerintah Indonesia.

Selama ini sepertinya dunia internasional kurang pro aktif terhadap konflik bersenjata di Negara-Negara timur tengah. Mungkin disebabkan oleh kerepotan mengatasi krisis ekonomi atau politik di Negara masing-masing. Namun solidaritas perlu dilakukan, dan Indonesia perlu tampil sebagai pelopor untuk menggalang dukungan kemanusiaan.
Ketika Indonesia menggalang dukungan solidaritas kemanusiaan, penegakan hokum bagi warga yang mendeklarasikan ISIS juga perlu dilakukan.

Kewibawaan pemerintah harus dijaga, karena ketika OPM melakukan kontak senjata maka aparat TNI/POLRI juga melakukan operasi maka terhadap ISIS yang jelas bertentangan dengan UUD 1945 dan Pancasila merupakan tindakan subversive. Sehingga pemerintah Indonesia konsisten terhadap UUD 1945 khususnya pembukaan yang menjaga perdamaian dunia sekaligus menjaga ketertiban dalam negeri.


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    "Live Good Tour" is a revolutionary program that offers individuals the opportunity to transform their lives and achieve financial independence. With its unique approach to network marketing, the program has helped thousands of people across the globe achieve their dreams of financial freedom.

  77. Top 5 Essential Features For Lab Management Software

    The global laboratory information management system market size, valued at 1.85 Billion USD in 2021, is growing rapidly at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.0% from 2022 to 2030.
    The high demand for laboratory information management systems is the result of technological advancements pertinent to life science laboratories, stringent regulatory requirements and the rising interest in lab automation.
    However, there are hundreds of lab management software in the market, leaving the lab managers, lab informatics teams and scientists overwhelmed with options.
    To help you choose the best lab management software, we've listed 5 must-haves every lab should expect from their lab software vendors.

    1. Templates for repeatable research and operational processes
    Every lab needs to have standardized workflows to ensure reproducibility of their experiments, eliminate experiment error rates, preserve institutional knowledge and increase the output. The lab management software you’re using should be able to make templates of your repeatable protocols, experiments, standard operating procedures and even operational processes such as approval flows, multi-well plates, request forms, notifications rules and much more.

    Scispot makes all of this possible by allowing you to drag & drop pre-populated protocols or SOP templates and set automation rules to prepare your R&D projects with unrivaled speed.
    2. Strong framework for internal and external collaboration
    Lab work is a team effort. You need to be able to collaborate, notify and selectively invite your labmates, partners, customers, and vendors (e.g., CROs, core labs, etc.) so that research is done the right way.

    Keeping everyone up to date on Scispot is a cinch. Scispot helps you to collaborate with your customers or CROs on R&D projects and share the results in no time flat.
    3. Global search functionality for instant data access
    Storing data is hardly of any use if you can't easily find your data, filter it and make correlations to extract essential insights on a daily basis. With the right lab management system, you should be able to retrieve information at a moment’s notice using different parameters such as samples, customers, partners, experiments, locations, instruments, project, file type, etc.
    4. Compatibility with 3rd-party apps & your legacy systems to centralize data in one spot
    The most important asset of any lab is its data. However, the data only becomes valuable when it is structured correctly, machine-readable and has all the context associated with it -- for this to happen, you need to bring in data from multiple sources and connect them with the proper context. Your lab management software should be able to centralize data from 3rd-party apps, your legacy systems and instruments.

    Scispot connects with hundreds of 3rd-party apps (Hubspot, Google Sheets, Shopify, etc.) and legacy systems (ELN, LIMS, LES, etc.) to unify all of your data in one spot.
    5. A wide array of customizable and configurable offerings
    Every life science company is unique, so lab software should be able to adapt to the diverse scientific needs of each one. You cannot and should not use a rigid off-the-shelf product like ELN (electronic lab notebook) and LIMS (lab information management system).

    Scispot offers no-code configuration, a developer toolkit and custom engineering support to personalize the platform for every life science company -- be it a contract research organization (CRO), industrial biotech company or biomanufacturer.

    Scispot is more than a LIMS or ELN platform. It is fully configurable, highly intuitive and completely integratable with other 3rd-party tools such as Google Sheets and Asana.

  78. Baanhinsairesort: A Tropical Paradise in Koh Samui, Thailand
    Nestled in the heart of the enchanting island of Koh Samui, Thailand, Baanhinsairesort stands as a true haven of tranquility and natural beauty. Offering an immersive experience amidst lush tropical surroundings, this exotic resort beckons travelers seeking solace, luxury, and a memorable escape from the everyday hustle and bustle. From its picturesque beaches to its top-notch amenities, Baanhinsairesort and the spa resort samui promises an unforgettable stay for guests of all ages and interests.

    1. Location and Setting:

    Located on the eastern coast of Koh Samui, Baanhinsairesort enjoys a prime position close to the vibrant Chaweng Beach, known for its lively nightlife, shopping, and dining options. The resort itself, however, is tucked away in a secluded cove, allowing guests to revel in the serenity of their private oasis while still being in close proximity to the island's main attractions.

    The natural beauty of the resort is unparalleled, with palm-fringed beaches, crystal-clear waters, and lush tropical gardens that provide a postcard-perfect backdrop for a memorable vacation.

    2. Accommodation:

    Baanhinsairesort offers a wide range of luxurious accommodation options to cater to different preferences and group sizes. spa koh samui. From stylish private villas with their own infinity pools and ocean views to comfortable suites adorned with contemporary Thai décor, every room is thoughtfully designed to provide comfort and privacy.

    Whether travelers seek a romantic getaway for two or a family vacation, Baanhinsairesort has something to suit everyone's needs. The rooms are equipped with modern amenities, ensuring a seamless blend of traditional charm and contemporary convenience.

    3. Gastronomic Delights:

    Food enthusiasts will find themselves in culinary heaven at Baanhinsairesort. The resort houses several world-class restaurants, each offering a diverse range of delectable dishes. From authentic Thai cuisine bursting with flavors to international delicacies prepared by skilled chefs, guests can embark on a gastronomic journey without leaving the premises.

    With beachside dining options that allow you to savor your meal while the waves gently lap at the shore, every dining experience at Baanhinsairesort is an unforgettable one.

    4. Wellness and Recreation:

    For those seeking relaxation and rejuvenation, Baanhinsairesort has a fully equipped spa where guests can indulge in various traditional Thai massages and holistic treatments. The soothing ambiance and skilled therapists ensure a blissful experience, leaving guests refreshed and revitalized.

    For the more adventurous souls, the resort offers a plethora of recreational activities, including snorkeling, diving, kayaking, and guided island tours. Exploring the wonders of Koh Samui and its neighboring islands is an exciting way to connect with nature and create lasting memories.

    5. Eco-Friendly Initiatives:

    Baanhinsairesort takes pride in its commitment to sustainability and environmental conservation. The resort incorporates eco-friendly practices into its operations, such as water and energy conservation, waste reduction, and supporting local conservation initiatives. By staying at Baanhinsairesort, guests can contribute to the preservation of the island's natural beauty and biodiversity.


    Baanhinsairesort in Koh Samui, Thailand, is more than just a luxury retreat; it is a destination that encapsulates the essence of tropical paradise living. From the breathtaking natural landscapes to the warm hospitality and world-class amenities, this resort offers an unparalleled experience for travelers seeking an unforgettable vacation. For those yearning to escape the ordinary and immerse themselves in the extraordinary, Baanhinsairesort is the perfect choice for an idyllic getaway.

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